Veteran David Nicholson stopped by Quantum Leap Farm in July to test out his new prosthetics. Injured in a bomb blast in Afghanistan, the brave veteran lost both legs from the knee down. Since then he has been fitted with some of the most advanced bionic devices available. Partially controlled by a computer interface, his prosthetics are still in the testing phase. Read More

What Goes Up Must Come Down
Michelle Ansley is back from the heights of Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro. We’re glad she’s home safe and sound and so proud of her accomplishment and the money she has raised for Quantum Leap Farm. Almost $10,000 has been raised so far from generous donors who have been inspired by her extraordinary effort. We hope you’ll join Michelle in fundraising for Quantum Leap’s At EASE Law Enforcement Program. Gifts toward Michelle’s Mount Kilimanjaro Climb will help underwrite Law Enforcement and other First Responders’ participation in our unique peer to peer program for stress management. Make a secure donation right here. Read More