The duPont Registry Luxury Living in Tampa Bay magazine and Publishing Company is known for hautecouture, home furnishings, top-quality transportation and people of political and social stature. They’re also known for lending a hand to those in need. And we needed an outdoor kitchen.
Cooking has always been a big part or Quantum Leap gatherings. We cook meals for weekend retreats for wounded military members and their caregivers. Lunch is on us during our special Family Fun Days for QLF populations, including pediatric cancer survivors and patients, special needs kids and challenged veterans and active military members–and their families. We also put on lavish spreads for fundraisers like Quantum Leap’s Founders’ Circle and celebrations like the Holiday Bash.
Beth Ann Drake, Publisher of DuPont Registry Luxury Living in Tampa Bay, along with Jessica Thiel, QLF volunteer and Board Member, and QLF Founder and Operations Director, Edie Dopking, came up with the idea of enhancing the Farm’s therapeutic equine facility with an outdoor kitchen. duPont Registry advertising partners jumped on board and the rest is history.
Quantum Leap Farm Board of Directors, staff, volunteers and participants want to thank Ralph Mills of Artisan Design for providing the cabinets and kitchen design, Jason Grant and Gina Marie Lathrum of Fisher & Paykel Appliances for $15,000.00 worth of outdoor appliances, John Keene of Pavimento who gave us the glorious granite countertops, Dhvanit Patel of Onicx who with his team, headed up by Frank Belfiore built our luxury kitchen in a mere 8 days, and Beth Ann Drake and Thomas duPont for being the inspiration for the project. Thomas duPont, Chairman and Publisher of DuPont Publishing, Inc., pointed out that “Quantum Leap is much more than horseback riding, it is a way of life that mixes the outdoors, animals, volunteers and clients in a loving, healing and purposeful way.” Thanks Tom, we couldn’t have said it better. Bon appetit!