Thank you Anchor Tampa & Construction, Bay Area Electric and the Spurlino Foundation for providing our new exhaust fans!
For those of you who live in Florida, you know the summertime can be sweltering. Now imagine you’re 1,200 pounds of muscle with a fur coat covering your entire body while you sleep outside. Our horses, staff and volunteers (without fur coats) will be much cooler with the installation of two new exhaust fans in Quantum’s main barn.
The new fans were funded by the Spurlino Foundation with support and installation from Anchor Tampa and Bay Area Electric.
Exhaust fans suck hot, humid air out of the barn and transfer it outside, allowing cool, fresh air to enter from the breezeways below. This constant flow of air and heat transfer will bring the overall temperature of the barn down by several degrees. This is not only more comfortable for everyone, but it’s safer by preventing heat exhaustion.